I. didn't fall asleep for 2 hours last night thanks to poopies moving down the intestional tract. I mean, who could fall asleep when you can feel the train moving down the track? It still frustrated me though because I knew today would be a tough day because she would be tired and I certainly didn't need a tougher day than the ones I've been dealing with.
This morning, I woke up to V.'s alarm at 2:30am, him getting up at 3:30 and then the garage door opening and closing around 4ish. Finally, I was able to fall back asleep to be woken up at 7am when the dog in the condo up the hill from us was unceremoniously dumped out on the patio and began registering its complaint. I didn't hear I. calling so I fell back asleep until 8am. Wow! Better yet, even when I nervously bounded out of bed, all was quiet in her room. Then I heard her whispering in her bed which is how she plays when she hasn't been awake for awhile. Hmmm...
So I sneaked downstairs for a quiet cup of coffee all by myself. I haven't had that privilege since the day after Christmas and it was SO nice. Here's the only thing - when I got I. up finally at 8:30 (woohoo, half an hour all to myself!), she said her stomach was hurting and then proceeded to eat basically nothing for breakfast. This may be normal for other kids but I. eats a lot of breakfast, and lunch and dinner for that matter. Now I'm wondering if she has a bug of some sort. And if she does, she's going to be pretty volatile as the day wears but I need to keep my cool especially if she isn't feeling well. There is nothing like losing your patience one day only to find out the next day that they acted that way because they were coming down with something. That scenario, at least for me, is the ultimate in mom guilt and I'm determined today not to set myself up for mom guilt tomorrow. Today's going to be a fingers crossed, tap dancing around meltdown triggers kind of day; I just feel it in my bones. The day's success will most likely not be measured by what got done or how much fun we had but by the simple fact that I. and I will both be alive and loving each other by the end of the day. Some days, that's the best you can hope for.
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