So, what do I do? I cry. This coming from a person who doesn't cry very often, certainly not in front of others, and most of the time can't cry even when she wants to. But right there in the PJ section of Target I cry. Not sobbing, snotty, loud crying but the tearing up, sniffling kind of crying but in my heart, I was sobbing. I had to go back, get another cart and try to repick everything I had. Of course, a few of the cards, the baby toy, and some of I.'s stuffer items were the last they had so that didn't help with my recovery. I was surprised by my reaction but just let myself "be" for a change, figuring that this sudden loss of a cart, unexpected and unfair finally opened the floodgates (just a little) to my buried feelings about Mark (ie. loss, unexpected, and unfair). My therapist would be proud.
Today I. and I had a great day, probably the best since V.'s been gone. We had a lot of fun together and she has been a lot more physically affectionate with me as a result of V. not being here, which is sad due to the reason but I'll take it! We laughed, hugged, played, and even relaxed a little together.
It was just one of those days when I'm proud of myself and so happy with my little world.
I. and I have been invited tomorrow to an early dinner at Mark's parents' house, where he is now living. I am really touched by this since they have been including me in things as though I am family. To show my gratitude, Italian style, I made some Cranberry Almond biscotti tonight. It looks very festive! It's been about 8 years since I've made it and forgot how long the process takes. But, I'm always excited to see just part of the finished product:
V.'s phone has not been working the last 2 days. Supposedly some cable was cut in the Mediterranean thus spotty phone service. I guess I should be thankful though 'cause the guy he went over there with, tripped 2 days ago and fell so hard that he's still in the hospital. No broken bones but he's so swollen up that they've been keeping him. The scary thing is that he had a blood clot (due to the long flights to Saudi Arabia) about 6 months ago and is still battling that with medication. So this fall is not good considering he's flying home on the 23rd on a God awful long 24 hour flight.
Four more days until V.'s home and then I can rest easy for a little while...
I. is just beautiful! She is growing up so fast. I love her sweater.
Your biscotti looks very festive and scrumptious. Prayers to Mark and hugs to you my friend.
Bad Karma for the cart stealer!
Yes, seriously bad karma. I would have cried too. In fact, I'm crying a little right now. Just so unfair, but sometimes all we can do is pick up and move on and be a better person for it.
But yeah for good days and hugs and silver linings!
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